Supporting our veterans
with nursing services

Auscare is proud to support our veterans through our selection by the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) as a Community Nursing provider in Perth.

As a DVA provider, our promise is that we will listen to you and tailor the services you need in your home, based on your choices.

Our promise to you and your loved ones

Auscare’s DVA Community Nursing and support are aimed at maintaining your good health and independence. To achieve that, our community team have developed and provide the following high level support for our veterans:
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7 Days a week health and nursing support
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Clinical Directors, also available 7 days a week in the event of an emergency
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Experienced staff and nurses
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A large team of qualified staff from diverse cultural backgrounds
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Exceptional customer service
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Continuity of staff to maintain rapport and stability
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Regular upskilling of staff through our Registered Training Organisation
close up couple with plant DVA AUSCARE
I wish to place on record my deep appreciation of the service provided by Julia. Julia is always on time, most attentive & carries out her duties with care & concern over & above what is required- I cannot speak too highly of Julia & congratulate AUSCARE on the provision of a diligent employee.


Auscare’s DVA participant

Access Auscare’s DVA support

To access Auscare’s DVA support, we encourage veterans to follow the following steps:

Contact us for assistance with DVA approval 

Request a referral from your health care professional
Meet with an Auscare community team member to finalise care needs and set a schedule
Together, we will regularly review services provided to make sure you always get the support you need.
Auscare welcomes all veterans to contact the community team to discuss eligibility for DVA Community Nursing and/or other options to ensure you are provided support and a personalised service.
Veterans Nursing Support
I have been with Auscare for nearly one year and their services are outstanding. I would recommend them to anyone seeking support! The staff are very friendly, competent, punctual and considerate particularly when family members are visiting. The managers are very amenable and respond to any requests immediately.


Auscare’s DVA participant